ぬいぐるみタイプコミュニケーションロボットなでなでワンちゃん秋田犬HACHI-EX(ハチ公生誕100周年記念・限定品)/Akita Dog HACHI-EX Stuffed Dog Communication Robot(Hachiko’s 100th Birthday Anniversary Limited Edition)


(税込) 税率10%

頭センサー撫でられると「ワン」「ワーン」等2種類の声で鳴きます 背中センサー撫でられると「クゥーン」「クン」「キャーン」等4種類の声で鳴きます 尻尾センサー撫でられると「クィーン」等4種類の声で鳴きます 音センサー呼べば答える「ワン」など4種類の声で鳴きます *スペシャルモードとしてたまに「ウォーン」といった遠吠えの声で鳴きます。

This interactive toy dog is like any other stuffed toy, but is equipped with sensors (used in smart phone panels) on its head, back, and tail. The sensor can differentiate between a pet and a touch, and changes the reaction accordingly.
The reactions of a live dog have been recorded giving you the feel of actually owning a pet.
There are currently 4 different reactions available.
Loyal dog Hachiko; pet it and it will react, call it and it will answer. The Akita dog is a representative breed of Japan, and Hachiko is exactly that.
Interactive Akita Dog Hachiko Toy is a Hachiko 100th Birthday Anniversary commemorative item.
This product is a recreation of Hachiko from when it was a puppy. A robot puppy that is capable of communication.

材質/Materialアクリル・ポリエステル・ABS /acrylic (esp. acrylic fibre, fiber), Polyester, ABS resin